Thursday, August 25, 2011

Neireis's House Project...

This is Neireis's house. Some generous folks in the States gave money
to have it rebuilt. So we're getting ready to begin that process. You
can't see really well here, but all the walls fell out during last years
earthquake. So we'll be putting in new stone/concrete walls, and
putting on a new roof. All this to the tune of about $600, U.S. price.
And there's a lot more houses like this around here. It's not
pleasant to think about what it would be like to go through
a heavy rainstorm in a house like this- let alone a cyclone or

The family has been sleeping in this tent for over a year. It's not exactly
waterproof anymore.

Their Kitchen.... Called a "cuisine" in Creole/ French.

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

So glad to you're back again... It's always nice to see pics of the things that we don't always hear about when we get together! :) Love the "new look" of your blog, too. Love the picture, Shana! :)