Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Solar panel project...

We were really excited to get our solar panels up- finally!!!

Here's Darwin, helping with painting just before we placed the panels up.
They're about 18 feet up in the air, and HOPEFULLY we put enough
cement in the base to keep it there in a hurricane... I estimated there's
about 3 thousand pounds down there, so....?
BTW... Nice shades, Darwin... (Sorry, couldn't resist...)
The finished product. We've already noticed a significant decrease in time
that we need to run our generator, so that's a blessing!!! Generally when
the ladies run the wringer washer, we would need to start the generator
to have enough power. Now, during the day with the sun shining bright,
they can do laundry to their hearts content and the solar panels more
than compensate for the energy being used...


Chris said...

hoorray for the solar panels-what a praise!!
So glad you got those put up

Anonymous said...

I'm checking into putting together a solar & wind system for a small house in the states. Can you tell me how many watts your panels are, did you hook up batteries, too? If so, did you use a 12 watt system, 24 watt? And where did you buy your panels, etc?
