Tuesday, February 8, 2011


We were honored to participate in the wedding of Mis Louda, one of
our Haitian nurses. It's typical of Haitian weddings to have a "Marenn
and Parren", sort of like a godfather and mother... We were a little
surprised when she asked us to fill that role (along with a Haitian
couple), but we really enjoyed it!!! Here's the couple finishing their
preparations before heading to the wedding....

At the wedding... We sat across from them...

Shana, the other Marenn, and the bride... Mis Louda- or rather Madam
Denny as she is now- is about 32...

The pastry confection is my wife's creation, and the cake
was created by Anita, but the rest of the food is authentic
Haitian....AND delicious, as always!!! (Have I mentioned
that we LOVE Haitian food???)
Parenn and Marenn...


Lor said...

Thanks again for posting!! I love seeing what's happening down there! Lord willing I'll be down there soon... I'm looking forward to that! Take care! Lor

Jesse and Carol Myer said...

Thanks for posting!!! Like the jumper Shana:) You look great!

Unknown said...

Looks like you had a good time!

Miss you guys since i left yesterday. Have a blessed evening, and thanks for keeping the blog up to date. It will help me keep more connected to what goes on down there!

God bless! -Nate :)

Chris said...

so glad to see you doing so well with the native people! You guys are doing well down there, keep up the great work!